Our Mission

All for One Therapy is an advocacy-based center with a focus on mental health and empowering underserved populations. The goal is to bridge the gap between those who need services, not just mental health treatment, and the resources that appear out of reach or that they are unaware exist. The focus of psychotherapy is typically on identifying problems and helping individuals find solutions, address emotions, thoughts and behaviors, and develop insight. At All for One Therapy, in addition to traditional therapy, we are dedicated to helping our clients master self-advocacy. We strive to not just improve the internal world of the individual but help manage the difficulties they face in the outside world, whether it be due to injustices or inequity or other situations. 

Meet our staff

All For One Therapy is a training site with a dynamic staff of clinical supervisors and pre-licensed masters and doctoral level therapists.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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